@Civeo Guest App FAQs

How can I get the @Civeo Guest App?

You can download the @Civeo Guest App on either the Apple App Store or on the Google Play Store by searching for “@Civeo”.

Does the @Civeo Guest App require an internet connection?

An internet connection is required when using the application for the first time and in order to receive the most up-to-date information and experience on the app.

Should you open the app without an internet connection you may be viewing out-of-date content so it is strongly recommended to have an internet connection at all times.

How do I log in to the app?

Information on how to log in will be available to guests from the front desk team and around the accommodation facility at participating Civeo locations.

What’s the difference between the @Civeo Guest App and the Civeo.com website?

The @Civeo Guest App provides content focused on your stay and specific to the facility you are staying in. The civeo.com website provides more general widespread information about all Civeo locations and the broader company.

Do I need to be a guest to use the app?

In order to obtain a login to the @Civeo Guest App, you must attend a participating Civeo facility as a guest.

Why can I only see one Civeo facility when I log in?

Currently, the @Civeo Guest App provides visibility of one facility based on your login details. Stay tuned for more exciting developments in this space.

How do I activate the Express Check-In feature?

In order to use the Express Check-In feature, you must first sign up for the program with a Front Desk representative at the property you are visiting. Once the sign-up process is complete, the Mobile Check-In feature on your @CiveoGuest App will be activated for use with all future reservations.

Once activated, please follow the in-app instructions for the Express Check-In process specific to the property you are visiting.

What do I do if the app is not working properly?

If the @Civeo Guest App is not performing as expected, check the Apple App Store or Google Play store to ensure you have the most up-to-date version of the app. If you do, then try to log out then log back into the app.

Should you still experience an issue after these attempts, please advise a team at the front desk of your participating Civeo accommodation facility or email [email protected] and a team member will attend to your enquiry as soon as possible.