Commercial Laundry Services

Fast, Reliable, and Environmentally Friendly.

Civeo’s state-of-the-art commercial laundry facilities provide fast, reliable service, and automated hygienic processes that are light on the environment.

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Hospitality Laundry Services
  • Hotels and Resorts
  • Workforce Lodging
  • Restaurants
  • Leisure Facilities

Healthcare Laundry Services
  • Hospitals
  • Clinics
  • Long-Tern Care Facilities

Sustainable Bluox™ Technology

Using environmentally friendly Bluox™ Laundry technology, our cleaning processes use elevated concentrations of oxidized water to significantly decrease the amount of chemicals, detergents, and hot water used when compared to traditional laundry cycles. This process eliminates all microorganisms, while increasing the life of your linens.

Key Benefits
  • Energy efficient with less hot water consumption and shorter drying times
  • Eliminates all microbiological activity in laundered linens
  • Extends linen life by up to 20%
  • Fresher smelling, whiter, and brighter linens

Processes you can rely on.

High-Volume Processing Capacity

Civeo’s laundry facilities have the capacity to process over 3,000 lbs an hour. This capability results in quick turnaround times so you can avoid having to carry the cost of excess linen inventories.

Hygienic Automated Processes

Civeo’s laundry operations are highly automated with programmable folding stations, significantly decreasing human contact and the potential for contamination.

Computerized Tracking & Reporting

As part of our quality control measures, Civeo offers computerized tracking systems to monitor every item’s journey through key stages of the wash process including soiled sorting, item classification, washer designation, dryer transfer, clean processing, and folding.

Our reporting system can also provide customers with detailed information including how much of each item was washed, when it was washed, the wash formula used, and the machine it was washed in.

Feature Facility

Athabasca Laundry

Fort McMurray, Alberta

Civeo’s Athabasca Laundry serves hospitality and lodging clients caring for thousands of skilled labourers living and working away from home in the remote reaches of Alberta’s oil sands.

Supporting 33 different client sites within a service radius of 175 kms, the facility has the capacity to process 15 million pounds of linens a year at a rate of 3,000 pounds an hour.

A unique aspect of this operation is the relatively remote location of its operating footprint. Unlike facilities operating in an urban location that can draw from municipal water sources, Athabasca Laundry draws from its own water processing facility while exceeding strict environmental regulations.

To reduce energy consumption, Civeo uses Bluox™ Laundry technology. The Bluox™ cleaning processes use elevated concentrations of oxidized water to significantly decrease the amount of chemicals, detergents, and hot water used when compared to traditional laundry cycles. This process also eliminates all microorganisms, while increasing the life of your linens.

Civeo’s Athabasca Laundry is situated in close proximity to the remote locations of its customers’ project sites. This eliminates the negative environmental impact of having long-haul trucking to transport linens to and from major urban centres for processing.

  • Remote Hospitality and Lodging Clients
  • Bluox Laundry Technology
  • 15 million pounds processing capacity/year
  • 175 km Service Radius

Build, Own, and Operate Model

Do you operate in a market where access to high-volume commercial laundry is underserved? Our experience in the design, finance, construction, and operations of commercial laundry facilities can help fill the void while helping you to preserve capital to focus on your core business.

How can we serve you today?

For service inquiries in Canada, please call 1.800.314.2695 or message us by clicking below.

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